Thursday, February 27, 2014

Example Assembly and C Code for ARM Cortex M0 (NXP LPC1114/301)

What the example programs do:

Example programs described here toggle PIO3_2 pin of the MCU 10 times a second. PIO3_2 is located at pin 43 or M43 on the PCB. First example is provided in assembly language and the second in C.
Figure 1

Connect a wire between PIO3_2 and any pin of JP5 connector (red rectangle). This will allow the corresponding LED of JP5 to blink at 5Hz.

Development Environment Setup:

Program Flow:
Figure 2

On powerup or reset, Reset_Handler is executed first. Reset_Handler in starup_LPC11xx.s first invokes SystemInit routine before calling the __main routine. Keil usually copies the starup_LPC11xx.s file into the project directory when the project is created.

SystemInit routine configures the system PLL and clocks the MCU core with 48MHz. For C projects, SystemInit routine is defined in startup_LPC11xx.c. An assembly version of the  SystemInit routine is provided in this example.

On completion of SystemInit routine, execution starts in __main. _Initialize_Peripherals routine is executed next in which following tasks are performed:

Task 1. Clock is enabled for the I/O configuration block
Task 2. Clock is enabled for the GPIO
Task 3. Clock is enabled for a 32-bit timer
Task 4. PIO3_2 (M43 on the PCB) is set as output. On reset, all the GPIO pins are configured as inputs by default.
Task 5. PIO3_2 is set (logic 1) initially
Task 6.  32-bit timer is configured so that it generates an interrupt 10 times a seconds (thus the 5Hz blink rate)

Program execution continues in __main after _Initialize_Peripherals routine returns. Global interrupts are enabled next. An infinite loop is executed in which some general calculations are performed.

Once the 32-bit timer-0 has counted 4.8 million CPU cycles, an interrupt request is generated and the interrupt service routine (ISR) TIMER32_0_IRQHandler is executed. The timer is configured in such a way that the count-value is reset at the time the counter has counted 4.8 million CPU cycles. PIO3_2 output is toggled in TIMER32_0_IRQHandler.

Example assembly code:


    EXPORT __main
    EXPORT __use_two_region_memory

__use_two_region_memory EQU 0
    EXPORT SystemInit
    EXPORT TIMER32_0_IRQHandler
; System Init routine
SystemInit        PROC
    ; Initialize system clock to 48MHz from a 12MHz onboard crystal oscillator (XTAL)
    ; Description of the steps:
    ; Step 1: Power up system oscillator (XTAL)
    ; Step 2: Wait 200 counts in a while loop
    ; Step 3: Select system oscillator (XTAL) as the input of the PLL clock source
    ; Step 4: Wait until PLL clock source is updated to 12MHz system oscillator (XTAL)
    ; Step 5: Set the clock multiplier for the PLL and power up the System PLL
    ; Step 6: Wait until PLL is locked
    ; Step 7: Select the output of the PLL as the main CPU clock
    ; Step 8: Toggle the main CPU clock enable bit for the
    ;           new clock source (PLL output) to take effect
    ; Step 9: Wait until main CPU clock is updated
    ; Step 10: Set the core and peripheral clock divider to 1
    ; Step 1: Power up system oscillator (XTAL)
    ; Load the address of PDRUNCFG into R0;
    LDR R0, =(0x40048238); PDRUNCFG, address 0x4004 8238
    ; Load the value of PDRUNCFG into R1
    LDR R1, [R0];
    ; Clear SYSOSC_PD(bit 5) in PDRUNCFG
    LDR R2, =(0xFFFFFFDF);
    ANDS R1, R2;
    ; Store the R2 into PDRUNCFG
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Step 2: Wait 200 counts in a while loop
    MOVS R0, #(0xC7);
    MOVS R1, #(0x01);
    SUBS R0, R1;
    BNE _WAIT_OSCILLATOR_PWR_UP; Loop until ZERO flag is 1
    ; Step 3: Select system oscillator (XTAL) as the input of the PLL clock source
    LDR R0, =(0x40048040); SYSPLLCLKSEL, address 0x4004 8040
    ; Load R1 with 0x01 to select the system oscillator for the PLL
    MOVS R1, #(0x01);
    ; Store the value of R1 into SYSPLLCLKSEL
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Toggle enable bit for the change to take effect in SYSPLLCLKUEN, address 0x4004 8044
    ; (System PLL clock source update enable register) to update PLL clock source
    LDR R0, =(0x40048044); SYSPLLCLKUEN, address 0x4004 8044
    MOVS R1, #(0x01);
    MOVS R2, #(0x00);
    ; Write 1 to SYSPLLCLKUEN
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Write 0 to SYSPLLCLKUEN
    STR R2, [R0];
    ; Write 1 again to SYSPLLCLKUEN
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Step 4: Wait until PLL clock source is updated to 12 MHz system oscillator (XTAL)
    ; Load the address of SYSPLLCLKUEN into R0
    LDR R0, =(0x40048044); SYSPLLCLKUEN, address 0x4004 8044
    MOVS R2, #(0x01); Value to check against in the following loop
    ; Load the value of SYSPLLCLKUEN into R1
    LDR R1, [R0];
    CMP R1, R2;
    BNE _WAIT_PLL_CLK_SRC_UPDATE; Loop until PLL clock source is updated
    ; Step 5: Set the clock multiplier for the PLL and power up the System PLL
    ; Load the address of SYSPLLCTRL
    LDR R0, =(0x40048008); SYSPLLCTRL, address 0x4004 8008
    ; Load R1 with the MSEL and PSEL values to render 48MHz from 12MHz system oscillator
    MOVS R1, #(0x23);
    ; Store R1 into SYSPLLCTRL
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Power up System PLL = Clear bit 7 of PDRUNCFG
    ; Load the address of PDRUNCFG into R0;
    LDR R0, =(0x40048238); PDRUNCFG, address 0x4004 8238
    ; Load R1 with PDRUNCFG
    LDR R1, [R0];
    ; Load R2 with 0xFFFFFF7F (only bit 7 is cleared)
    LDR R2, =(~(1<<7));
    ; And the values of R1 (which is PDRUNCFG) and R2
    ANDS R1, R2;
    ; Store the new value of R1 into PDRUNCFG
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Step 6: Wait until PLL is locked
    ; Load the address of SYSPLLSTAT into R0
    LDR R0, =(0x4004800C); SYSPLLSTAT, address 0x4004 800C
    ; Load the value of PLL lock status to check against in to R2
    MOVS R2, #(0x01);
    ; Load SYSPLLSTAT into R1
    LDR R1, [R0];
    ; Check against PLL lock status bit pattern saved in R2
    CMP R1, R2;
    BNE _WAIT_UNTIL_PLL_LOCKED; Loop until PLL is locked
    ; Power up the watch dog timer clock here if required
    ; Step 7: Select the output of the PLL as the main CPU clock
    ; Load the address of MAINCLKSEL in to R0
    LDR R0, =(0x40048070); MAINCLKSEL, address 0x4004 8070
    ; Load R1 with 0x03 (0x03 = PLL output as the main CPU clock)
    MOVS R1, #(0x03);
    ; Store the value of R1 into MAINCLKSEL
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Step 8: Toggle the main CPU clock enable bit for the
    ; new clock source (PLL output) to take effect
    ; Load the address of MAINCLKUEN into R0
    LDR R0, =(0x40048074); MAINCLKUEN, address 0x4004 8074
    ; Load 0x01 into R1
    MOVS R1, #(0x01);
    ; Load 0x00 into R2
    MOVS R2, #(0x00);
    ; Enable MAINCLKUEN
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Disable MAINCLKUEN
    STR R2, [R0];
    ; Enable MAINCLKUEN
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Step 9: Wait until main CPU clock is updated
    ; Load the address of MAINCLKUEN into R0
    LDR R0, =(0x40048074); MAINCLKUEN, address 0x4004 8074
    ; Load 0x01 into R2
    MOVS R2, #(0x01);
    ; Load the value of MAINCLKUEN into R1
    LDR R1, [R0];
    ; Compare if MAINCLKUEN(R1) is updated or not
    CMP R1, R2;
    BNE _WAIT_MAIN_CLK_UPDATE; Loop until main CPU clock source is updated
    ; Step 10: Set the core and peripheral clock divider to 1
    ; Load the address of SYSAHBCLKDIV into R0
    LDR R0, =(0x40048078); SYSAHBCLKDIV, address 0x4004 8078
    ; Load 0x01 into R1
    MOVS R1, #(0x01);
    ; Store 0x01 into SYSAHBCLKDIV
    STR R1, [R0];
    BX        LR; Return from SystemInit
    ENDP; End of SystemInit routine

_Initialize_Peripherals        PROC
    PUSH {LR}; Other registers can be pushed to the stack if necessary
    ; Enable clock for I/O config block, GPIO, and 32-bit counter/timer in SYSAHBCLKCTRL
    ; First, load the address of SYSAHBCLKCTRL into R0
    LDR R0, =(0x40048080); SYSAHBCLKCTRL, address 0x4004 8080
    ; Load R1 with the value of SYSAHBCLKCTRL
    LDR R1, [R0];
    ; Load the bit pattern to enable clock for I/O config block(bit 16), GPIO(bit 6),
    ; and 32-bit counter/timer(bit 9) into R2
    LDR R2, =( (1<<16) | (1<<9) | (1<<6) );
    ; Apply bitwise OR between R1(value of SYSAHBCLKCTRL) and R2(new bit pattern)
    ; and save the result into R1
    ORRS R1, R2;
    ; Store the new value of R1 into SYSAHBCLKCTRL
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Configure PIO3_2 (pin 43, M43 on PCB) as output
    ; By default (on reset), all the GPIO pins are inputs
    ; Set bits 2:0 of IOCON_PIO3_2 to zeros for PIO3_2 function (not the DCD function)
    ; Load the address of IOCON_PIO3_2 into R0
    LDR R0, =(0x4004409C); IOCON_PIO3_2, address 0x4004 409C
    ; Load the value of IOCON_PIO3_2 into R1
    LDR R1, [R0];
    ; Load R2 with 0xFFFFFFF8 (bits 2:0 are zeros)
    LDR R2, =(0xFFFFFFF8);
    ; Apply AND operation between R1 and R2
    ANDS R1, R2;
    ; Store the new value of R1 into IOCON_PIO3_2
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Set bit 2 of GPIO3 data direction register to set PIO3_2 pin as output
    ; Load the address of GPIO3DIR into R0
    LDR R0, =(0x50038000); GPIO3DIR, address 0x5003 8000
    ; Load the value of GPIO3DIR into R1
    LDR R1, [R0];
    ; Load a bit pattern 0x00000004 into R2 (bit 2 is set)
    MOVS R2, #( (1<<2) );
    ; Apply bitwise OR operation between R1(value of GPIO3DIR) and R2(bit pattern)
    ORRS R1, R2;
    ; Store the new value of R1 into GPIO3DIR;
    STR R1, [R0];

    ; Set the initial output on PIO3_2(M43) as high
    ; Load the address of GPIO3DATA(last unmasked address base+0x3FFC) into R0
    LDR R0, =(0x50033FFC); GPIO3DATA Base + 0x3FFC, address 0x5003 3FFC
    ; Load the value (1) at bit location 2 to set PIO3_2 high
    MOVS R1, #( (1<<2) );
    ; Store the value of R1 into GPIO3DATA
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Initialize 32-bit Counter/Timer0 such that it generates
    ; an interrupt 10 times a second (= 5 ONs + 5 OFFs = 10Hz timer)
    ; Load Match Register0(TMR32B0MR0) of 32-bit counter0(TMR32B0 or CT32B0)
    ; with (48MHz/10Hz - 1) = (4800000-1) = 4799999
    LDR R0, =(0x40014018); TMR32B0MR0, address 0x4001 4018
    LDR R1, =(0x00493DFF); Decimal 4799999 = Hexadecimal 0x00493DFF;
    ; Store the value of R1 into TMR32B0MR0
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Enable interrupt when the value in the counter(TMR32B0TC) matches
    ; the value in Match Register0 (TMR32B0MR0) and at the same time
    ; resets the 32-bit counter. Thus the counter starts to count from 0 again.
    ; Load the address of Match Control Register(TMR32B0MCR) into R0
    LDR R0, =(0x40014014); TMR32B0MCR, address 0x4001 4014
    ; Load the value of TMR32B0MCR into R1
    LDR R1, [R0];
    ; Enable Interrupt on MR0 and reset counter value on match (set bit 0 and bit 1 of TMR32B0MCR)
    MOVS R2, #( (1<<1)|(1<<0) ); Load R2 with bit 0 and bit 1 set. All other bits are zeros
    ; Apply OR operation between R1(value of TMR32B0MCR) and R2
    ORRS R1, R2;
    ; Store the new value of R1 into TMR32B0MCR
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Enable CT32B0 interrupt (bit 18) in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller(NVIC)
    ; Load the address of Interrupt Set Register(ISER) of NVIC into R0
    LDR R0, =(0xE000E100); ISER of NVIC, address 0xE000 E100
    ; Load R1 with all zeros except bit-18 set
    LDR R1, =( (1<<18) ); "MOVS" can only load immediate values from 0 - 255 decimal
    ; Store the value of R1 into ISER of NVIC
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Start the counter by setting bit 0 of Timer Control Register(TCR)
    LDR R0, =(0x40014004); TMR32B0TCR, address 0x4001 4004
    ; Load R1 with all zeros except bit 0 set
    MOVS R1, #(0x01);
    ; Store R1 into TMR32B0TCR. This starts the counter
    STR R1, [R0];
    ;Return from the function _Initialize_Peripherals
    POP {PC};
    ENDP; End of _Initialize_Peripherals

; Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for TMR32B0.

; The name of the service routine is defined in startup_LPC11xx.s


    ; Save the register values onto the stack that will be used in this ISR
    PUSH {R0, R1, R2};
    ; Toggle PIO3_2 (pin 43 or M43 on PCB)
    ; Load the address of GPIO3DATA(last unmasked address base+0x3FFC) into R0
    LDR R0, =(0x50033FFC); GPIO3DATA Base + 0x3FFC, address 0x5003 3FFC
    ; Load the value of GPIO3DATA into R1
    LDR R1, [R0];
    ; Load R2 with (1<<2)
    MOVS R2, #(1<<2);
    ; Apply bitwise XOR between R1(the value of GPIO3DATA)
   ; and R2 (1<<2) to toggle the value of bit location 2
    EORS R1, R1, R2;
    ; Store the new value of R1 into GPIO3DATA
    STR R1, [R0]; 
    ; Clear interrupt by writing 1 to the MR0 interrupt(bit 0) of Interrupt Register(TMR32B0IR)
    LDR R0, =(0x40014000); TMR32B0IR,  address 0x4001 4000
    MOVS R1, #(0x01);
    STR R1, [R0];
    ; Get the registers back from the stack that were saved at the beginning of this ISR
    POP {R0, R1, R2};
    ; Return from TIMER32_0_IRQHandler Interrupt Service Routine
    BX LR;
    ENDP; End of TIMER32_0_IRQHandler

; __main routine starts here
__main     PROC
    ; Call the following function to initialize peripherals
    BL _Initialize_Peripherals;
    ; Enable global interrupts
    CPSIE    i;

    ; Loop infinitely between "_LoopHere1" and "B _LoopHere1"
    MOVS R0, #(0x00); Test load 1.
                    ; "MOVS" can only load immediate values from 0 - 255 decimal
        MOVS R1, #(0x02); Test load 2
        ; Increment R0 by 1
        ADDS R0, R0, #(0x01); R0 = R0 + 1;

        ; Test 1 cycle 32-bit hardware multiplier
        MULS    R1, R0, R1; 1 cycle multiply operation R1 = R0 x R1
    B _LoopHere1

    ENDP; End of __main

END; End of File

Example C code:


#include "LPC11xx.h"

void _Initialize_Peripherals(void)
        volatile unsigned int tempData = 0;
        // Enable clock for I/O config block, GPIO, and 32-bit counter/timer in SYSAHBCLKCTRL
        // Load the bit pattern to enable clock for I/O config block(bit 16), GPIO(bit 6),
        // and 32-bit counter/timer(bit 9) int SYSAHBCLKCTRL
        LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= ( (1<<16) | (1<<9) | (1<<6) );
        // Configure PIO3_2 (pin 43, M43 on PCB) as output
        // By default (on reset), all the GPIO pins are inputs
        // Set bits 2:0 of IOCON_PIO3_2 to zeros for PIO3_2 function (not the DCD function)
        tempData = LPC_IOCON->PIO3_2;
        tempData = tempData & 0xFFFFFFF8;
        LPC_IOCON->PIO3_2 = tempData;
        // Set bit 2 of GPIO3 data direction register to set PIO3_2 pin as output
        LPC_GPIO3->DIR |= (1<<2);
        // Set the initial output on PIO3_2(M43) as high
        LPC_GPIO3->DATA |= (1<<2);
        // Initialize 32-bit Counter/Timer0 such that it generates
        // an interrupt 10 times a second (= 5 ONs + 5 OFFs = 10Hz timer)
        // Load Match Register0(TMR32B0MR0) of 32-bit counter0(TMR32B0 or CT32B0)
        // with (48MHz/10Hz - 1) = (4800000-1) = 4799999
        LPC_TMR32B0->MR0 = 0x00493DFF; //Decimal 4799999 = Hexadecimal 0x00493DFF;
        // Enable interrupt when the value in the counter(TMR32B0TC) matches
        // the value in Match Register0 (TMR32B0MR0) and at the same time
        // resets the 32-bit counter. Thus the counter starts to count from 0 again.
        LPC_TMR32B0->MCR |= ( (1<<1)|(1<<0) );
        // Enable CT32B0 interrupt (bit 18) in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller(NVIC)
        NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMER_32_0_IRQn); // "TIMER_32_0_IRQn" is defined in LPC11xx.h
        // Start the counter by setting bit 0 of Timer Control Register(TCR)
        LPC_TMR32B0->TCR = (1<<0);
// End of _Initialize_Peripherals

// Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for TMR32B0.

// The name of the service routine is defined in startup_LPC11xx.s

__irq void TIMER32_0_IRQHandler(void)


      // Toggle PIO3_2 (pin 43 or M43 on PCB)
             // Apply bitwise XOR between GPIO3DATA and 1 in bit location 2 (1<<2) 

      LPC_GPIO3->DATA = ( LPC_GPIO3->DATA ^ (1<<2) );
      // Clear interrupt by writing 1 to the MR0 interrupt(bit 0) of Interrupt Register(TMR32B0IR)
      LPC_TMR32B0->IR = (1<<0);
} // End of TIMER32_0_IRQHandler

void __main(void)
        // SystemInit() routine is executed before __main()
        // SystemInit() routine is defined in system_LPC11xx.c
        // system_LPC11xx.c is located at "keil_installation\ARM\Startup\NXP\LPC11xx"
        volatile unsigned int tempData0;
        volatile unsigned int tempData1;
        // Call the following function to initialize peripherals
        // Enable global interrupts
        // Infinite while loop
                tempData1 = 2;
                // Increment tempData0 by 1
                tempData1 = tempData0 * tempData1; // Multiply operation
        } // end of while(1)
} // End of __main

Instruction are provided here (step 8 to step 10) to compile, simulate and run the above programs on the development kit.